“The purpose of Jesus in the world was to show us the Father. So Jesus came and committed Himself publicly at His baptism at the Jordan before all the world in these words, ‘unto all Righteousness‘ to do the will of God. He willed not to obey His own natural human will, but to do the will of the Father, and to be wholly and solely and entirely obedient to the will of God. He declared, ‘ I came not to do Mine own will, but the will of Him that sent Me.‘ John 6:38
When a Christian is born of God, and becomes a real Christian, he is made a Christ-man. If the world wants to see Jesus, it must look upon the Christian, who is the Christ-man, just as we who want to look upon the Father and understand Him, look upon the man of Jesus, Who was the embodiment of the Father. Everything that Jesus did was the will and the word of the Father. So everything the Christian does, if he is a real one, should be the will and word of Jesus Christ. The Christian commits himself as entirely to the will of Jesus, and becomes a Christ-man as Jesus committed Himself to the will of the Father and became a God-man.
A low standard of Christianity is responsible for all the shame and sin and wickedness in the world. Many Christians think it is all right if they pattern after Jesus in a sort of way. They imitate Him and they do the things which He did; that is, they outwardly do them. They perform kind acts and they do other things which Jesus did. But the secret of Christianity is not in doing. The secret of Christianity is in being. Real Christianity is in being a possessor of the nature of Jesus Christ. In other words, it is being Christ in character, Christ in demonstration, Christ in agency of transmission. When one gives himself to the Lord and becomes a child of God, a Christian, he is a Christ-man. All that he does and all that he says from that time on, should be the will and the words and the doings of Jesus –– just as absolutely, just as entirely, as He spoke and did the will of the Father.
Jesus gave us the secret of how to live this kind of life. Jesus showed us that the only way to live this life was to commit oneself, as He did, to the will of God and not walk in his own ways at all, but walk in God’s ways. So the one who is going to be a Christ-man in the best sense and let the world see Jesus in him, must walk in the ways of Jesus and follow Him. He must be a Christ-man, a Christian, or Christ-one.”
“God has been seeking a habitation a long time. God found a habitation in Jesus Christ, and He became the dwelling place of God. Christ’s purpose for the world was that men, like Himself, should become the dwelling place of God. It was not purposed that Jesus Christ was to be a particular or special dwelling place of God. It was rather purposed that mankind should be just as much a holy and desirable dwelling place of God as Jesus Himself was.”
“Christianity is one hundred percent supernatural –– God possessing man.”
And there you have it. Be real! My Bride will be as I am. My Bride will be Holy as I am Holy. My Bride will be One with Me, filled with Me, My pure and perfect Habitation. Ask to be cleansed in such a manner, that I may abide in you fully.
“The hunger of my soul for many a long day has been that
I might be able to so present that high true note of God, that the souls of men would rise up in God to that place of power, purity, and strength where the presence and character and works of Christ are evidenced in and through them. There can be no more distinction between the exercise of the real power of God as seen in Jesus and its reproduction in a Christian soul. There is a purity, the purity of Heaven, so high, so holy, so pure, so sweet that it makes the life of the possessor radiant with the glory and praise of God.”
“The supremest marvel that God ever performed was when He took possession of those who are hungry.
‘Blessed are they which do hunger . . .’
I will guarantee you that after the Crucifixion of Jesus there were 120 mighty hungry folks at Jerusalem. I do not believe if they had not been mightily hungry they would have gotten so gloriously filled. It was because they were hungry that they were filled.”
“Our redemption is God’s answer to this universal hunger. We saw God’s hunger creating man; now you see man’s hunger bringing God to recreate him. Can’t you understand it, men, that the hunger in the heart of God drove Him, forced Him until He spoke a world into being for the home of His love project, man . . . Then when man fell and lost his standing and became a slave and subject to Satan, this universal cry went up until the very Heart of God bled for this broken human. Then He made provision whereby this man that He created who had sinned and ‘decreated‘ might come back into fellowship with Him of a higher, holier sort than he had lost at the beginning.”
Hunger can be a good thing. I hunger for My Bride to desire Me as I am. I hunger to make man, once more, My Own; One with Me, no longer separate and alone. I hunger for you, people and I have put a hunger for Me within those marked as My Own. Ask Me to increase this hunger until you know the depths of My Love for you and are filled with My Heart of Passion for us to be One.
“The real Christian is a royal fighter. He is the one who loves to enter into the contest with his whole soul and take the situation captive for the Lord Jesus Christ.”
“The world is still waiting to see Him as He is, Jesus the Magnificent, Jesus the giant, Jesus the compassionate, Jesus the dynamic, the wonder of the centuries.
Take the shackles off God. Let Him have a chance to bless mankind without limitation.”
“God by the Spirit never comes to a man’s life to whitewash him over or smooth him over or clean him up, but God comes to him to make him NEW and give him a new heart, and a new mind, and a new spirit, new blood and new bone, and new flesh and to send him out with a new song in his mouth, and a new shout of praise in his heart and a new realization of holiness –– a truly REDEEMED man.”
“The triumph of Jesus Christ was attainted through His willingness to be led by the Spirit of God. The triumph of the Christian can be attained only in a similar manner.”
“So there arises in the heart the desire and prayer for the Spirit of God to eject, crucify, and destroy every tendency of opposition to the Holy Spirit.”
“Go on to perfection.”
Victory is Mine in every situation, every life, every circumstance for which I am invited to enter and to have My Rightful Rule. You speak of problems and encounters and circumstances where evil rules, but if you would just grab hold of My promises, seek My Face and be willing to obey Me perfectly, then I would redeem the wayward from the fall. It’s not a “magical” answer or antidote. It’s not a specific prayer that causes the enemy to loose his hold –– it is in My Name and by My Blood that the evil must flee. Count all as loss when the bully steps up by your apathy, lethargy and lack of Authority or you could become as I am, as My Bride will always be, full of My Presence, wielding My Power until all of Satan’s ways are annihilated. My Bride will hold the Shield of Victory for she knows the Cost which brought forth the Power over evil. Go on to Perfection! I am with you and within you to claim back all that is Mine.
”Of all the pictures that the Word of God contains, the one described in the 22nd chapter of Revelation is the most beautiful:
‘He showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb . . .’
Beloved, if your life has not been satisfactory, if you have not recognized the holy character that Christ expects from a real Christian, then this call of the Spirit comes to your soul.
‘The Spirit and the bride say come‘ Come up, come into the real life, the high life, the life hid with Christ in God.
‘I will be within thee a well of water springing up into eternal life.‘ John 4:14”
“And beloved, one day there are going to be Christians baptized in the Holy Ghost who are away up in the Throne of God, away up in the consciousness that is breathed out of
His Holy Heart.”
One day so very soon . . .
* All quotes taken from “John G. Lake - His Life, His Sermons, HIs Boldness of Faith”