“O apostate church, you seek to bring the masses
to your bosom to nurse of your ways
You seek a Cross-less Christ
one that does not demand your all
You pervert My seasons and offer circus programs
instead of the Risen Christ
Is it so hard to understand that I died for your sins
and rose again triumphant to give you Power
to overcome the lies of the enemy?
But you wallow in your many church services and programs
You seek out big names to promote your status
but I call you wretched, poor, liar, thief, blasphemer
for you have replaced the Risen Christ with stories and humor and bad tales of reprobate man
and you’re proud of all that you say and do
Do no more, I would say, but the words would mean nothing to you for you have not listened to My words that I have sent through My prophets or sought My Heart
You will burn on the morrow
and this is the program:
For those of your brand who will still repent:
I will allow sickness according to their sin to cause them
to seek Me, alone for help through
their renouncement of their sin
For those of your brand who are arrogantly beyond repentance of any kind:
I will allow you continued success until the one day which
I remove everything from you, yes, even your breath
and there will be no longer any chance at repentance
or right standing with Me
When is success a bad thing?
When it is a substitute for the Cross and presented
as the purpose for following Me
Church after church in these days use the Scripture
to appear right and holy, but they offer a false gospel
as Absalom at the gate to the city (2 Samuel 15)
You seek to appease the masses and draw them
every man, woman, child with your ‘sweet candy’
all along training them to despise the Cross and the Truth
You teach them that they can say a prayer and then
simply live as they have always lived,
but receive from ‘God’ all that they need
There is no cost to that gospel
There is no Cross in that gospel
There are only lies and blasphemy
And these are the people, the apostate church
who rise up against those truly of Me
truly of the Cross and the Resurrection
These are the ones trained with Scripture
to defeat every Truth and lay low
every form of intimacy with Me
Will I punish this army which forms to destroy My Bride?
Will I lay a heavy Hand on their throats to cut off their life?
Will I burn the false churches to refine with Fire to see if, indeed, there is any of Me, anything eternal which will last?
II Samuel 2 --- We will now see who is the Rightful Ruler
of Israel and the Christian church
The children line up to eat their candy
They are given a Bible verse to memorize
and a basket of sweets to let them know
that the Gospel is good
Do they not yet know that this Gospel of Jesus Christ
will require all that they have, all that they are,
all that they ever hoped to be?
Do they know that if they are of this last generation
and they proclaim to know Jesus the Christ
that they will most likely be martyred
or are they only presented what tantalizes and keeps them separate from the Truth of the Gospel
a Cross-less Christ?
Examine yourselves, churches, for I tell you the Truth
the Cross it does come to each of you in all different ways
to crucify that which does not honor Me
and that which is not birthed in Me
Will there be anything left?
Only if you are born of Zion (Psalm 87)
I have spoken and I have warned for many years
through My prophets, but you turn your face from them
and call them evil and crazy and arrogant and destructive
and most of you will not survive
You smile at your successes and say to the crowds,
‘Surely, God has blessed us’
When the fact is that I am allowing your success
to guarantee that you never repent
You have stolen too many lives from My Kingdom
You have robbed Me of My children
with your ‘sweet’ easy gospel ways
and now, your end comes
when you least expect it
Come, I will, riding the White Horse
in time to Israel and gather My own
but until that time arrives, the Church will I reprove
and chasten and destroy all that is not of Me
Wallow in your success, pastors
This day is made for you
and I will feed the masses the ‘Broken Bread’
which you will become
You could have been ‘Broken Bread’ of a different sort
which provided Truth and Light and Life
but you disdained the Cross
and now you will be broken unto death
to prove to the masses that I am a Righteous King
and will destroy all that dishonors My Name
and teaches a different gospel
Lie in your grave, pastors, teachers, evangelists,
prophets, apostles who lead not the people to know Me
to hear My Voice, to obey with abandon
to love Me with whole-hearted devotion
Lie in the grave!
Thursday, March 31, 2011