10 long years later . . .
The WORDS come once more for this wayward church
for a Pastor who writes
Esteem all, we're all beloved, from a holy widow to a respected leader (& all others)
Family 'Life' is established through honor.”
However, all that he teaches and lives out
demonstrates the opposite:


"Keep track of the people. 
Count their faces. Count their heads.
Count their children. Count the books given out.
Count the books sold. Count the money gathered.
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing . . . .

For you see, the pot is truly empty, but the sales continue.  What is truly given out that will bring a new heart and a right spirit?  Nothing.  You don't understand this yet, but you will when I open your eyes to see.

Have you seen Me? Do you know Me? You sell Me on these Sunday mornings when the people gather and you freshly distribute what you believe will keep them coming through the doors, but Son, do you KNOW ME?  Have you SEEN ME?  Am I ALIVE within you?

And yes, I do see and hear how you and your people can talk the talk, with many expressions of My Presence, but your hearts do not match your words and I want them to.  I want them to with all My Heart.  So, the dilemma is, how do I teach you to truly become a man of God so that you can teach the others?  Will the lessons be day by day or hour by hour?  How will they come?  Will you receive them as you write that you welcome the servants of God or will you rebel and waste time and lives?

The point of this letter is that there is no more time to waste.  Not even one second, for in the interim of time this country falls and there will be no way to keep your doors open for the people to come.  They will stop giving.  Many will lose their jobs.  Most will not have enough food to eat, but if you had come in years past, I would have taught you how to thrive through this new depression.  I would have raised you up as a Joseph House to feed and clothe My people, not only physically, but spiritually.  All I see when I look at your church this day is an empty pot.

Will you stop reading?  Have I offended you enough that you will stop, or do you want to know the cure, the remedy for your church?  What would cause your church to bring Me the honor I deserve?  What would cause you to write from My heart and not from your mind?  What would cause Me to dwell in the midst of the people who enter your doors?  What????????

Would it help to fast to procure an answer?  Am I looking for your diligent service to attract My Presence?  Would the giving of alms or more sermons, more activities within the walls of the church?  What do I want from you?

And they say, that in that day LIGHTNING from Heaven came and brought with it a message, a message from God.  I will make it plain to you all that I want and I will put you in position, perfect position to hear My Voice, my clear, plain, perfect Voice and you will learn from Me all that I sent others to teach you over these long, vacant years.  I will be your God and you will be My obedient Son.

The lessons begin when your position changes and I am in full control, for I have learned one thing over these years of striving with you: You will not learn as long as you are in control.  I must be in total control and you must be completely dependent on Me to survive.

The lessons come and there is nothing that you can pray now to ease the transition. I know what must be done and I will do it.  Surround yourself with people, as you have always done, but no one will be able to put you back together after the LIGHTNING strikes.  NO ONE.

And they say, that in that day, a man was made who would obey the King.  This man was not simple, but extremely complex, as if he had studied the King's ways his whole life, and yet, never really met the King.  He studied day and night, writing out formulas for success, but having not met the King, he understood not the Heart of the King, nor the Love which the King had for the people.  This man wrote and wrote and wrote, but on that last day it was all burned.  Why?  It failed to have the signature of the King.

That is all.

Time to wrap things up.  Time to put the pen down.  Time to draw close, but I know that you won't on your own, so I will do all that is necessary to make you a man who knows My Heart and obeys My Words and can feel My Heartbeat . . . . . . . . . every single beat.

Time's up."

The King sent a herald by horseback to close down the village church.
Surprised the people asked what they had done wrong . . .

DID you LOVE the least with the LOVE of the FATHER
or merely gather people to make yourselves look successful?

DID you feed the people True food from the KING
or mask your lack with intellectual garbage?
The KING’S food always brings LIFE.

Did you entertain and comfort the people in their rebellion to the KING
or lead the people to repentance to please the KING?

DID you collect alms and say it was for the poor
but the poor never saw this wealth?

DID you pray - REALLY PRAY for the sick, the lame, the blind,
the demon possessed or just pat them on the back and offer a smile?

DID you turn away the KING'S heralds who brought TRUTH
so that you could have your own kingdom?

DID you LOVE the children and encourage their seeking of the KING
or bind them to your ways . . . and blind their eyes and heart to the KING'S Ways?

TRUTH COMES to save your wanton soul and cause you to see
that the SHIP you harbor in and harbor people in is going to hell.

Straight up - TRUTH COMES!

WAKE UP! Look around you!
You are responsible for all who you harbor.
Do they know Truth? 
Apostasy is not a luxury as it would seem today for "rich" so-called "Christians.
It still leads to death.
First one man . . .

As you will know in the end, GOD had no other option.
You must now know the truth, teach the truth, live the truth or all ends.

GOD will not turn away to appease your mortal flesh.
HE comes now, this day, to teach you truth in the only way HE has left!

You harbor a church full of people who follow you and not GOD!

You truly believe that the answer lies in ignoring the Truth
and ignoring those sent to give you the Truth.

One herald leaves.
Who can stand in this day . . .

Will YOU turn?  Will YOU turn?  Will YOU turn?  Will YOU turn?  Will YOU turn?
I hear your answer loud and clear!

Will you still not repent?
Will you still hold fast to your rebellion?
Will you speak Truth or . . . .
continue to harbor people where they will never be safe?

Matthew 16
"Broken Bread"

All honor is due to the King
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
For you see, man passes as a breeze
here today --- gone tomorrow
But to the Lord of Hosts
does our soul cry out
for Honor to be known
to be expressed
All human endeavor
All the plight of humans extends in the measure of pursuit
What is our pursuit?
Do we chase after honor for ourselves
when we should bow before the King?
Fill us Lord God
and may we forever bring Honor to You
We worship You, alone

. . . and the story was told in the Kingdom
but the people would not listen, failed to heed
They stood one after another pursuing top honor
chasing dreams of prestige
They failed; however to earn the honor
the Father had chosen for them
Because their honor was based on deeds before men
and not their heart before the Father

What’s the cure for this self-seeking agenda?

Watch and SEE . . .

Psalm 15:4 --- 1 Corinthians 4:1 --- Revelation 6: 3-4 --- 1 Kings 9:8-9


“Build Me a house,” I spoke to you,
but the time had not yet come
“Seek Me”
“Honor Me”
“Follow Me”
but this day and for this time
The control of the chapel remains yours, alone
and yet, all that was planned
all that was promised
is of naught this day
The walls crumble
The subjects, they will sink into decay
For you see, you never chose to see
You would not surrender your ideas, your control, your life, your church
You would not . . .
but this day, by force, I take control”