The wild boar stood at the edge of the river
He was handsome and fit
As boars go
And he was well known
By all the boars in this town and the next
He grunted as he moved the dirt
In front of him
Toward the river
He wanted to make a difference
Surely he could
He was the the biggest of the boars
The strongest, too
And he had passion beyond
What boars are usually gifted
But he had one weakness
He did not like the ordinary
the expected
the mundane
anything stationery
that would not move and change and develop
He was all about moving forward
But this one day he was caught
Off guard by what he saw
Across the river
A small goat was leaping
Into the river and then climbing
Back out
Over and over and over
The goat leaped
Was it crazy?
What did it think it was accomplishing?
The wild boar began to cross the river
To get a closer look at the goat
The closer he got, the more
Confusing it seemed
Surely, there was a reason
For this act of insanity
Finally the wild boar arrived
At the goat's side of the river
Staring the goat straight in the eyes
The wild boar asked him,
"Why do you keep leaping into the water?"
The goat replied,
"To get your attention, to bring you
over to my side of the river"
Just then, a massive bear
Emerged from the woods
That ran alongside the river
It did not take long for the bear
To kill the wild boar
That evening
The goat and the bear feasted
On wild boar
While telling the woodland creatures
Their story of conquest
Just because something draws
Your attention
It doesn't mean you are safe to pursue it
God will never lead you into evil
God will never cause you to compromise with evil
God will never alter the Truth
To fit your beliefs
Stories are a fun way to pass the time
But the Truth of the matter is
That you are walking in dangerous territory
And that which draws your soul
May also be the very thing
That captures and devours you
You are no match for the king of evil
You have no defense against
The players of his realm
Once you step in his territory
He has ways to keep you there
To hold you captive
And even the prayers of many
Will not be able to deliver you
You've heard the Truth
You've walked in the Truth
You've known intimacy
Even in dark spaces
But that to which you cling now
Is not Holy
Is not True
Is not of the Father
It is an impostor
Pray with fervor for the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ
to break you free
Pray until all that holds your soul captive
is removed
One more day
And there will be no release
One more day
And Satan wins
One more day
And the man we know
Will be lost
One more day
And the talons of the Evil one
Will have taken hold
In ways you will not escape
Psalm 57