“Watch and learn!

There will never be another day

The rumblings and eruptions
Have begun
And all you will be able to do
Is look back and remember
The faintness of hope
Before this STORM

All that is coming to pass
Has been prophesied
It is truly not a surprise
It will unearth the rancid
It will put to death speculation
That Righteous Judgments from God
Are a thing of the past
It will divide children from their parents
Yes, even from the wealthy
And whitest of white complexions
From the rich up through the
Poverty stricken
There will be an Awareness
Of time coming to an end
But Remember,
It's only the Beginning of the end
The rumblings, eruptions, fire, storms, floods, sink holes, flares
Will Begin and not end
Until this haven of earth
Is all one sign
Of aborted rank

I brought forth My own
To be a witness of My Love and My Glory
But all that remains is mockery
Of My Righteousness
My Holiness
My Gift unto man
My Desire to walk with you once more

Do not look up for help

Once the signs begin

For where were your eyes and your heart 


When I gave you Truth

When I sent spokesmen and friends

To call you to Repentance?

Where were you?

I will be just as hard to find now

As you were

When I sought you out

The Curtain on this Play

Will close soon

But every word must still be spoken

Every part of the Play born out

Every Judgment finished

Cover your heads!

We start today!

Joshua 4-6”