The people arrive, shuffling into the pews
They move about chairs
to accommodate the handicapped
Children come forward
and sit on the floor near the front steps
Elders stand against the wall in the back
The Pastor rises to speak at the podium
but he has nothing to say
Not this week
Not today
Nothing he can say
Because you see
he spent the morning listening to
"Nothing But the Blood of Jesus"
played over and over
and he's changed
and all he can do
is sing this morning
"What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again?
It's nothing but the Blood of Jesus
Not for sin could I atone
It's not of good that I have done
Oh precious is the flow
that makes me white as snow
No other fount I know
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus
This is all my Righteousness
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus
This is all my Joy and Peace
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus
I know where sins are washed away
I know where people are made whole and free
It's nothing but the Blood of Jesus"
The pastor starts out slowly
but resolutely
as if he had sang this song
all morning long
He sings with his whole heart
eyes closed
focusing on Jesus
The congregation begins to join in
They wonder what
has gotten into their pastor
Does this mean that the pastor
didn't write a sermon?
Is there a chance we'll get out early?
But a Presence settles over the church
as the people sing
It's not entirely predominant
but close
The children raise their arms
Even they know the words
to this song
Elderly walk forward
with quickened step
They had not heard this song
in ages
The elders at the back
of the church begin to believe
that it's actually okay
if the people move into the aisle
all at once
What began as a song of declaration
has brought one church
to their knees in full adoration of God
Hours pass and no one moves,
but closer to the front
Oh Jesus, come back and shake us
with Your Presence
Only Your Blood washes us clean
Only Your Blood sets us free
Only Your Blood clothes us
in Your Righteousness
Only Your Blood bought us
our eternal Home with You
Thank You!
Do you know this church?
Make it yours --- just starts with a song . . .
Make God welcome
in your church, your home, your heart
Sing of His Blood
Know the Cleansing Power
Be Consumed by His Gift of Life