I heard a song in the willows
It was faint with surprise
I looked to where I heard the sound
And saw what I thought to be a small squirrel
It was curled up in a ball sleeping
As a whimper came from its tiny body
It must be anticipating winter, I thought
And the cold, lack of food, etc.
I walked on for I knew not how to help this tiny creature
I came upon a young man
Trembling with fright
I would have offered my hand
But he turned his back as I approached
In the forested area was a woman
Burdened down with the things she carried
She talked to herself
And I knew to interrupt would be rude
So I simply took hold of what was falling from her arms
But she screamed at me
And grabbed it back
Dropping two more items
A small child lay upon the ground
Dirty from head to foot
I looked into his eyes
And saw my own in days past
Waiting for help
Looking for hope
Even before I could grab food
From my pocket
The little guy had pulled me
Close to the ground where he was
And began to climb upon my lap
I've tried to help
With all that I have been given
I hoped to Commission a few
To stand and lead an Army for God
I spoke and wrote the words of God
Until you destroyed all passion and will to do so
And still, I continued out of obedience
And love of the Father
But now I am crushed
I literally have no more to give
I have advanced beyond what I
Ever hoped
But was not able to bring even one
With me
The days are solemn and short
My prayers are longer than ever
Trying to recover what has been
Taken from me
By your hard hearts, apostate ways,
Your craving for attention and fame,
Your rebellious, religious, errant beliefs,
Your deceptive ways and lying hearts
I Rest In Peace
Until God quickens the children
As only He can
And then I will Commission
The willing ones
To bring forth
That God desires
Is there still time for you
To repent, to join the Revolution?
Jeremiah 16-18
"And healing will come
With the morning light
But not unto the further work
With those self-sufficient
And those who run to man for help
The work will be new
The assignment ever so powerful
The peace plenty
The rewards tremendous
And you will not look back
At those who refused our help
Their failure will not matter
For it is as was meant to be
They failed so that the children will not
They closed their ears so that the children will hear
They shut their eyes to allow the children to see
They kept their hearts from truly and fully loving
So that the children will open their hearts wide
To My offering of Love
You have not failed
You only survived their treatment, abuse, betrayal, neglect
Due to My Hand upon you
Wipe their dust from your feet
Wash their slander, insults, hatred speech, curses
From your heart with Communion
Stand in My Presence
And wait for healing, first
And then empowerment
And we will begin again
With the hungry children
No adults will you help
No loads of theirs will you carry
You will no longer pray for them
Or call for them to receive blessings
We are altogether set apart
From those unwilling to walk in Truth
And their errors will catch up to them
In the most disastrous ways
Their mouths of plenty will no longer
Have enough
Their time of peace, comfort, good tidings
Will cease
And I, alone will wait for their repentance
You are assigned elsewhere
And will not walk on their path again
Psalm 36"