In the far corners of your mind
I believe that you believe 
You have won

You paint images
And sell
All for the cost of your soul

There will be no repentance
There will be no more time of grace
There will be no more chances
For you see
When you harm children
When you are so careless
And so vain 
To bring harm upon the innocent
Then I strike 

Justice will be done
As you sit surrounded
By your paints in all the pretty colors
Justice will be done

The end of the tale, perhaps?
But not necessarily for your husband
His job is to oversee, protect, guide
And he has failed
And continues to fail
So he will actually pay the greatest price
For your abominations

He claims to be a minister of God
And yet, he condones your artistry,
Your tainting of children,
Your rebellion and hatred of Truth
And conviction

Hell does not have a place for you two yet
In time . . .
Unless your husband repents
And chooses to present to the world
A model, guide to repentance

It will be his choice
But, young lady,
You have no more choices

Tidy up your studio
I will close it down
Put away the pretty colors
Because you only truly portrayed
Sink down low
Where no one can reach you
Because that is where
You chose to lead the children
So surely you must go first

I will make you two an example 
Of apostasy across this world

And we will all see what tomorrow brings
For you two
And for those unwilling
To confront your sin

I will remove everything of value
From you
I will disclose a wrath not seen
By many
I will close all doors to help
I will put My Signature upon
Your demise

Young and old,
Strong and weak,
Noble and dishonest,
Spiritual and atheist 
That the God of the Heavens
Rises to judge you this day