Shalom Jerusalem
Shalom Jerusalem
"They have also healed
the hurt of My people
saying, 'Peace, Peace!’
when there is no peace"
Jeremiah 6:14
Israel, Israel, Israel
Divided you stand
All fight for a piece of you, for land, for property
You hold the world's attention at all times.
Peace and war times
What would I speak to you today?
Hardly, for you see, what governs man's heart,
governs you - greed and selfish gain
You all speak of gaining land for the purpose
of religion --- for godly pursuit and yet,
am I a God that requires land?
Yes, Jerusalem, sacred city
Mount Moriah standing tall
It was once Mine, once Holy, once sacred
once under My Domain and Control
when Righteousness was "King"
but for now, for this time, it truly reflects
men's hearts, torn and divided
speaking of peace, and yet,
there is none demonstrated
Speaking of love, and yet,
there is only hatred
and intolerance displayed
Speaking of abundance and yet,
there is such poverty of the spirit and soul abounding
Yes, the land will once more be Mine,
once more be sacred
when time is close to an end,
when I come to rule, but for now,
you represent men's hearts, not truly toward Me
but toward your own religious beliefs
I could set you free
I could come and deliver the land from its enemies
and deliver it to its rightful owners
to those I promised it to in My Word
but has there been an adherence
to My Laws, My Promises?
Read Deuteronomy 26 through 28
and see WHY the land is not truly sacred
any longer
I will return on the White Horse one day
and make all things right, but until then
men will continue to fight,
continue to take,
continue to kill
to gain what they think is theirs
There is NO PEACE
the Prince of Peace reigns
The end times are near
The end times are here
The land will be Mine once more
The sacrifices will be made
The hearts will be made new
The Messiah, the King,
as was promised . . . Zechariah 14