Lord Jesus, we commit to You
the Temple, Your House
of these last days
and we claim
by the Victorious Blood of Jesus Christ
the Lamb of God
every son and daughter of God
to be made Holy, redeemed
set as a Living Stone in God’s House
and fully released and empowered
to bring
PRAISE to the Father, the Son
and to the Most Holy Spirit
I cover and claim each child of God
and mark them as God’s alone
tearing them from the gods and altars of this world
and from all false religions
Cause them, Father God
to live in You
and to invite You to fully live in them
I decree that not one marked as God’s own
can be stolen from God’s Hands
or taken from their full inheritance in God
Raise each of us up from death
to be gloriously ALIVE and filled with Your Holy Spirit
to bring forth
knowledge of You across this world
unto Your Perfect Pleasure
Raise up Your Temple of these last days
in Perfect Order
Your Praise and Glory
Isaiah 62
Isaiah 35
Isaiah 45