DAY 16 -- 09/22/09
“The U.S. will now bear the shame of its betrayal.
And you will see that there will still be those who glory in their shame for you have fallen
and are in a state of rebellion to My Ways, My Laws and My Love. I walk away, but I
walk alway cleanly for I have given you every chance to turn and repent, but you set
your face toward your gain, toward your riches, toward your own comfort and debauchery. If I spoke more, would you turn and repent? If I blessed your land with protection and grace for many more years, would you turn to Me or away from Me unto your blessings? If I cried out to you in the streets, would you hear Me or pass Me by for your life’s happiness is your only goal? If I met with you in your church, would you listen to My Words as I read from Scripture or would you call Me blasphemous and kick Me out? You have not changed, United States and you will not change until you know My Hand of Wrath against your sin and your wayward, uncircumcised hearts. But within this punishment, I promise you, you will also know and bear complete and utter shame for you once knew My Ways and were formed by My very Breath. You walked away to satisfy your sinful desires and now your judgment comes and all most of you will do is mock My Words until your very last breath. You no longer carry the Breath of My Spirit nor My Ways within your hearts. You have become as the dumb beast seeking only pleasure and gain to fill your wanton desires, but today I pronounce your ruin. For many, the shame will devour you before the ruin touches your tents. But, all in all, in good measure, I will have My Say and the silence against your rebellion will now end.
WEEP, but not for yourselves and what you are about to lose. WEEP because you have
betrayed your Father, your Deliverer, your Savior and there is now none to stand in the gap for you. I would listen if there be those who would fast and pray for this land to be brought back to hope and life, but there are none who will take the time and sacrifice what pleases them for the overall good. If you do choose to fast, I will hear you, in time, but you must know that I will still destroy across this land by My Holy Judgments all that is not in alignment with My Plan.