DAY 51 -- 10/27/09
“And where is the semblance of power in this country? Where is it concentrated and how do you locate its epicenter? There is a ‘fault line’ and an explosion is coming forth soon to reveal this country’s greed for pleasure despite its foundation of morality. Those of deviant sexual practices will become more pronounced and more in control of governmental laws and statutes. This community of people will seek to alarm / shock the public into any and all removal of restraints of their actions. They will seek to dishonor, not only the government, but religious institutions with an all-out advance in violent and offensive acts. How can they be stopped? How can the public bring a halt to these displays of anarchy? How can the country return to its moral foundation and obligations to insure peace and prosperity once more? Or does this have to take place to show / reveal the undercurrent which is alive and well within the society so that the people who call themselves by My Name will forcefully take the ground back through prayer?
You must see all that you have brought forth by your lax obedience to My Decrees. You must fully taste of the evil and the extent to which it will go to take over your sedate existence. Evil doesn’t simply lie low and take scraps dropped from the table, but it surges forth and demands that the table, itself and all that is contained therein be ravaged. You cannot wait and hope that evil will disband for it gains ground daily because the Christians will not act on My Word and claim the land for Righteousness.
Will the United States become as evil as Sodom and Gomorrah? I promise you that there will be times when you believe that it has become worse than these two. What can you do to abate these displays and takeovers? Search out Scripture to secure the promises for this land. Earnestly and wholeheartedly pray Psalm 51 daily for yourselves and for the people of the United States.
Recommended reading: ‘America’s Last Call,’ by David Wilkerson”