DAY 13 -- 09/19/09

“A common enemy unites even the oldest of foes.”
-”The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian”

The days come and go and you look about, but the changes are so subtle that you don’t realize that the United States is practically foreign owned and operated.  How can that be?  You may ask such, because you choose not to see, but even the “leader” is foreign with foreign roots, foreign concepts to our Constitution and foreign plans for his nation of comrades.  How far will we allow this to go?  Look around . . . What do you see?  What do you hear on news reports?  Who is in charge of the United States, once governed and cared for by God, Himself?  Who have you entrusted your future to?  And who will bring the steady, if not, alarming downfall in our times?

“And do you not yet see, United States, that as you turn your back on Israel, along with their devout enemies, you will sign your own death decree?  Clever talk, steady abeyance, reckless ignorance and the church’s denial of My Words and My Faithfulness to Israel will bring forth the next world wide holocaust.  But are you even listening or watching?  Do you still read the Scriptures, church, or are you past the Word, because you are so enlightened?  And the demons in hell rejoice at your ignorance and refusal to know the Truth.  But, alas, you’ve chosen your fate and I, too, will act accordingly, all in one day . . . SHALOM



                                                THE PLAIN TRUTH >