DAY 50 -- 10/26/09
“In the coming days and months the jobs will be scarce and the pay scarcer still. You may not be able to fathom depression times once more, but they do come to set this country free of its greed. You will find that you will work a good hard day and the pay will not come. Companies will close by the thousands. Banks will throw up their hands in surrender. Suicide will be common as it is in other countries. You will then bow down to your pagan gods of security once more and beg for hope, for release, for a semblance of order, but none will come from your gods. For you see, they are unable to help you. You have paid a high price for your chosen and foolish continuance of ignorance, but this high price will guarantee that you understand the full message of the times. Unemployment will hover around 20%. Why? Because this nation has always thrived on its work force and the ability to ‘work through’ any problem with hard work, merit and ingenuity. But friends, this time it will be different. Your foe is not just the economy or the times. I am simply and purely your Foe. You have deserted Me and called Me unable to govern and to bring forth My Plans for this great nation and so I will allow you to rest on your own laurels and try to bring yourselves up from the pit.
Do not despise the teachings of the Scriptures, for in them is Life and Liberty, Prosperity, Truth and Hope. Look deep. Look well. I will give you no more hints this time. You must search with all your heart for a solution which will work and is pleasing to Me. You must find, that for which, drives your soul to measure your life’s accomplishments by how much you own and how much you make. You must now begin to stand ‘naked’ before Me and see yourself as I see you and then we can begin to make some progress of the soul and for eternity. I am stripping away all that keeps you from finding Me. Someday you will be grateful, but for now, hunt for the ‘gold.‘ You will find it in My Word - the Holy Bible.
“Recession is when a neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours.“
“Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.”
“If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.“
-Ronald Reagan