Violence surges and man looks to punish
others for his hurt
He wants to pay back for his helplessness

He longs to extend his hatred to extinguish it
but the problem is: violence takes its toll on

and no one feels safe again

There is only one cure for a sick society
Only one answer to the question of peace
Only one solution, but no one is turning to embrace the Truth

No one seeks the True and Lasting Judge
to bring Victory

No one pauses to remember the Ancient of Days

and the victories He has won on man’s behalf

Violence surges toward me and I dare not
step wrongly

The words are creeds written on the souls
of those who refuse the change which the
Lord Jesus Christ offers

Violence is the way of escape
from the prison they have built

from their hatred

and yet, I plead for the innocent

I plead for the Righteous

I plead for myself

Protect us, Lord, I pray from those who
would seek to bring our end

Stop them with Your outstretched Hand
and deliver them

unto Truth to wash them with Your Blood
and cleanse them of their disease


I stand ready to read and to write all that is necessary for my assignments from God
I labor on many pages at once because you see,
I don’t write from my mind

I only have to stay open and clean before God
for His words to come

I glance at the next book “The Radical Cross”
by A.W. Tozer

as I prepare to present the continuation of
the section for the Bride
and yet, I cannot write, for the Cross,
it does come to me
in such a stark manner
that I am reeling to recover
I remember when I first truly began to follow God that I asked Him to simply

let me know what book would be best to read about the Cross so that I could

attain all the facts, but I now see that the Cross
in book form is informative

only to the degree that we can measure
our progress through death unto
the Resurrection

I thought that surely the Christian life could be mastered through the reading of the Bible and great works of Christian men and women

Now, I know that the Christian life is only mastered by the Master, Himself and the Cross
. . . and, the Cross is brought on through
our daily struggles to still attain life on our own without the Resurrected Lord within us

Do I look forward to reading the book? 
With all my heart

However, by the time I get to it, I pray that it
will be simply confirmation to what God has attained through me by putting this young soldier to a solid death

I can ask for nothing more and will surely ask
for nothing less for we are to be brought to death to allow
His Resurrection to take hold in such a way that the “old nature” - that rebellious front-runner no longer steals the show and rises to betray

Join me at the Cross?

For surely that is where we will be joined as family . . .
God’s Faithful, Loving family
His True Desire


                                             THE PLAIN TRUTH >

Keep out