Let’s pretend to




I’m sure it must be wonderful to live in a pretend state of being where everything is as you always hoped it would be, but that’s a very dangerous way to live.  Last week, two brothers set bombs at the Boston Marathon killing 3 people and wounding more than 100 others.  After their parents were informed of the allegations against their sons, they insisted that it was a “set up” and could not be true. They have a vision in their minds of who their sons are and in that vision, their sons could never have been the perpetrators of such an act.

The church does the same thing.  They want you to envision yourself as perfect before God, clean, Holy, Righteous and yet, they fail to teach you that it is necessary to continue to confess your sins, turn from all ungodliness and walk in a godly manner.  If anyone encounters these people on a daily basis or reads their social media content they will know, without a doubt that these people are not Holy, clean, Righteous or abiding in God.  Their pursuits are the same as the world’s pursuits.  They have not been transformed or redeemed.  They simply live in a pretend world that their church provides . . . . and it is dangerous.  When Judgment Day comes, they will be told the Truth, and they won’t have an alibi, only that they followed all that their Pastor taught them.

I believe that it’s more important to ask God to show you the reality of how you are before Him and to allow Him to reveal your sins to you --- all that holds you back from having a right relationship with Him.  Will you see flaws in each other instead of claiming, “I see no flaw”?  Without a doubt.  But the loving response is to pray to God and ask Him to reveal to the person their sins and be available if God asks you to partner with Him in that endeavor.  To help people hide their sins or to pretend that they don’t exist is not love, it’s hatred.  We are called to be a Holy people, without blemish, but that takes time before God, time repenting, time submitting to God’s Righteous Rule.  You cannot escape a guilty verdict by the Judge by claiming ignorance or pretense.  Embrace the Truth.  Become True, Righteous, Redeemed men and women of God.

Just yesterday I wrote to a young man who is moving to San Francisco.  I’ve known him for close to 4 years.  He claims to be a homosexual and is pursuing everything that will make him happy in this world.  I sent him a page from my website and told him that I was standing with him.  I don’t stand with him in his sins or his pursuit, but I stand with him before God and ask God to cleanse him of his sin and set him free.  I wanted to do that for the churches, but they refuse.  They prefer to pretend that they are clean and pure, but live their lives as the rest of the world does. They also claim all the blessings which God has promised those who are covered in His Righteousness, abide in His Word, seek His Face and love Him unto the sacrifice of all.  There is a much better chance of this young man becoming a true Christian who is pleasing to God, than those who attend apostate churches and hide their sins behind an easy grace, meeting together each week to check out the latest fashion and declare how “hot” each other looks.

As the prophet writes, “The American church is comprised of mongrels and prostitutes who recite verses, but live according to their selfish desires.  JUDGMENT COMES!”“