Who wants to go to school?
Who wants to be "in" school?
I offer the school of My Spirit
for every believer young and old
I teach the Truth and nothing but the Truth
I require obedience
My people will gain understanding
My people will ask for pure hearts
My people will acknowledge My Truth
and ask to be set in perfect position
for these last days
My Will will be done in these last days
I will have a Perfect Church
I will have a people wholly surrendered to Me
wrapped in My Glory
willing and anxious to hear My every Word
Come apart, people, and find Me
truly find Me
and I will teach you to perfection
all that you need to become
a thriving, blessed part of My Family
My Glorious Church
The schools will be set up under My Direction
They will operate in the fullness of My Revelation
and they will bring forth
empowered saints to greet the masses
and invite them to "our House"
I will rule in these last days
I will establish My Kingdom
I will bring all into submission
I will teach and empower
but also lay low the evil kingdoms
unto dust
Are you on the Right side?
You know you are if you are ready for these words
and My Spirit confirms this LIFE within you
Come and be taught
My schools will be open 24 hours a day
The Light will continually shine from My people
and all will be as I planned
NO exception
NO imperfection
NO idle words
ONLY Truth and My Glory proclaimed
until the end of the age
through My people ~ at all times ~ until all have heard
all have decided
all are made ready