I read the book, "The Silent Gift" as I was instructed by God. Many times, as I picked it up to read another chapter, I longed to return it because I simply do not take time to read fiction. There is too much that must be accomplished for me to spend time this way except for the fact that God told me to do it.
I finished the book tonight and I am still shaking . . . all these years . . . all the time I spent . . . all the prophecies I've written and spoken and there has been no acceptance, no adherence, no acknowledgement that the people would ever receive and practice what God spoke. Over 15 years and yet, I knew not what was the problem. I gave prophecies to people of the church, to secular people, to those who asked for a prophecy, to those who didn't ask, but yearned for one. Years spent writing and speaking the very words of God and no true approved response. I fought and stood for God's words, despite the hatred returned to me. I fought and prayed for God's Will to be done even though the people rejected the words or simply ignored them. I fought because I knew that the words would bring life. But in this process, I did lose everything. I will not go into detail because no one would ever understand unless they've been through the same, but know this, even though the acceptance by man was not granted, God's approval I have known and cherished.
I move on because my heart is torn and surely beyond repair. I close off all so that I can concentrate anew on God. And yet, I know that even though I have struggled for 15 years to present God's words, that the words were never really for the people I gave them to. God knew all this time that there was no true hunger for Truth or devotion within the people. He knew, but He sent me anyway. Prophets are tested, my friends. The true ones are tested and tried.
This day I start anew, for you see, the words now are only and fully for the children. You may not understand this yet, but I surely do = with my whole heart. Even as I sought the Lord last week as to how to help the unborn destined to be aborted, He spoke of a Plan --- a glorious Plan. It's called, "Cover Every Child." I pray for the children . . . but I also am "assigned" to begin a vigil for these who cannot speak for themselves. You are welcome to join in any capacity God leads you to. I have many prayers which I pray each day for the children and I trust God that He will draw them to Himself and that they will be ready and "hungry" for His Words as God gives me to present to them.
Silence is golden, I am sure to those I was "assigned" to write for so many years who had longed for me to stop writing to them. I have stopped and the writing accomplished all that it was intended to accomplish in my life, even though, perhaps, not in yours. I am as "dead" to you and your plight now, as you were forever "dead" to God's Truth and to me. All that time which I wrote, I prayed and hoped for your decision to abandon all to follow God. But, it was never meant to be. Too much religion in most cases. You've tasted of too much of the false to welcome the true. So, I will be silent to you and to your kind. I will only truly be found by those whose hearts are toward God and their abandonment unto God is obvious.
The children come . . . and I have surely been made ready.
Perfectly ready!
I truly believe that the United States is about to be hit
in a way that the only ones who will know peace and safety
are those who are holding onto the Father's Hand
There is no time to waste as you try to secure your money
or finish school or even raise your children. Today is the day
that you must find God in such a way that He knows your name,
you are fully His and His Righteous Plan for your life is your quest
Do not hesitate for even one moment of time . . .
He comes and He comes to redeem this fallen nation
but He comes with great FIRE and the burning of all
that is unholy
Churches 1st, my friends, for they are a mockery of
Who He is and His Sacrifice
Psalm 110