CALL . . .

COME . . .
I walk alone
and seek to protect the innocent
but destruction lies in wake
for all upon my path
Conquer ~ I will
Run ~ with all my might
but a Hero's path is hard to walk
all alone
Companionship works its way
and writes its dreams
upon my hardened heart
but what is the price
in confiding in another’s soul?
My freedom
No, but there must be more
I cannot always be alone
How then do I share
all that
I will
one day be
Is the path forever
barren and void?
Is love only to be shattered
and never mended?
The pieces of me forever scattered
I was not always this way
I once had hope
and dreams
and thoughts of what it would be like
to love you
and for you to love me
and of how our hands would entwine
and your longing gaze would pierce my eyes
and within
my soul would finally be content
but you would not walk the Hero's path
No, you followed a different path
out of sight from mine
I walk alone
I was once innocent
but destruction wrought and only havoc was left
only I was left . . . on my path
Conquer ~ I will
but how I long for another
Who will walk with me?
Hero, will You hold my hand
and be my Friend
for You know the way
and I cannot make it alone
Will You walk with me?
Love consume
for I am lost
Thoughts pursue me day and night
struggling to keep me in darkness
pain persists
and awakens me from my slumber
when will peace come
to comfort me?
And oh, how I long for home . . .
I long to know home and safety
from the war within my heart
I long to find refuge
from the battles waged against me
I long to hold a loved one fast
and hide within the sweet embrace
I long for home . . .
Who will comfort me?
I am so alone and scared . . .
Hero, please hold my hand
Hero, where do I belong
for I am lost
in the rages of emptiness and fear
upon my heart and soul
Memories cloud my hopes
with distractions of errant dreams
do what it takes
to set me free
I surrender all that is left
all that I am
Can You set me free?

Abiding in the Holy Presence
Is that possible?
I search for something ~ Someone
to fill my soul and drive me "home"
It's like a hot summer day
after spending the afternoon at a picnic
I'm relaxed, fresh, earth-breathed
and yet, I know there is MORE
I know my soul searches for something / Someone
that I haven't quite seen before
but I know exists
How can I be sure this exists?
Am I from a former time?
It's all so confusing
except for the fact
that I know that I know
there is a
"home" for me
within the heart of another

I walk the road looking, hoping
not so much striving
for that "home"
"home" I am weary
Please come and find me
I am so lost at times
It's not that I fail to look
It's that I no longer know where to look
Will you come and find me?
The child within waits . . . and hopes . . . and knows
the Heart and the Hand
of the One who has held me before
and made me His

I know I am marked
I know I belong
Ransom me, if you must
but bring me "home"
I long to know you
as a child knows ~ truly knows a best friend
We will walk and we will talk
and we will share stories
and the laughter will be divine

Come, hold my hand
I wait your embrace
I have a lifetime of love to share with you
I know you will find me
for my heart knows "home"
and even now, I know I am not far
One more step
and you will gather me up
and never let go
Come . . .

Life will never be the same
will never know the absence of FREEDOM ~ SAFENESS
What is the price of being a hero?
Who has paid it?
Who has survived without compromise?

The evil are evil
with shrewdness and depth
but their demise tells their story
and the people are intrigued
for passion and purpose captures so few
Power and deception consumes the core
wielding subterfuge, hatred and abuse
within the impure
and the people must submit . . .
Or must they?
Can the righteous be Righteous as the evil are evil?
Is there a hero to match the villain of each story?
There should be
Is he boring, dull, inexpressive, unconvincing and lifeless?
Not if he wants to win

Is that which drives a man to fight for Justice
worth the cost he pays?
What freedom does his victory obtain
or has the battle within
in itself
bought his freedom?

The evil men scheme and plot
and the people fall subject to the decay of the law
The evil men pursue and taunt
and the people do not rise to defeat their foes
Righteousness is forgotten
Courage is disgraced
The people hope for a hero to be brave
as they die daily at the hand of their own
knowing not why they do not stand
telling themselves that they do not have the chance

I challenge you to portray righteousness
as profoundly compelling
as you have portrayed evil
The Accomplice
bombs detonate within the gathering places
fires turn barren the countryside
terror will not leave the souls
as the cities quake and the hopes shatter from the grief of the times
the children's faces are bright and their eyes pure
but how long will they stay open to love and innocent inside?

what will each day hold?

will there be
peace at the end of this road?

who do I follow and where do they lead?

no, I must lead . . .

sorrows hold the soul captive
as the eyes watch the events take their course
history unfolds
as each generation makes its mark on this planet
and each human finds the part he must play


not so unusual

not to those who are no longer lost

but how do I find my way
as the people die one by one all around
and the hearts fail in mass
and I am left
to lead my loved ones to safety

I know I must stand
I know true justice stands without compromise
I know the fight for freedom is not over
I know the children can be different than the liars who taint them
for within them I see the same passion and search I carry

I find no peace or middle ground
with those who compromise and lead selfish lives
may the children not either
may the Truth capture us and empower us with Courage
even in our dreams

. . . and the dreams begin upon your wanton soul, young man
for you have a mission to complete
a family to warn, to save
children to embrace and teach the Truth to

Are your dreams all your own?
No longer
For the Holy One of Israel
steps in
and you will be
a Power driven young man, in time,
when your "schooling" is finished
and you will bring forth
all that you see in your dreams
for you know what?
you have been chosen

~ ~ ~

The days are long and hard
one friend
and yet, who can help
truly help him fight his demons?
We all pray
those of us who love him
and yet, he searches
but still in the same finite realm
It won't always be this way, though, Joaquin
Someday our friend will conquer
Someday he will win this war
Someday the lessons will be learned
because someday . . .
he will find

Are man and beast alike?

They weren't meant to be.

10 stories
are presented here
to illustrate 10 people
who chose to be, well . . . dumber than the animals

I thought you might have fun reading them:

(Wouldn't want to make the animals they try to protect look bad)


A young man walked a path
stumbling, for he was blind
His eyes opened to darkness
beneath a bright blue sky
Around him lay country with meadows of grass and wildflowers
and endless fields lined with rows of flourishing crops
Nearby was a village - home to simple, yet prosperous folk
a place where Justice reigned and innocence was safe
for Freedom and Hope abided in the Heart of its King
and the people obeyed accordingly
Mountains sheltered the small enclave on every side
with their cold, snow-capped peaks and treacherous passes
bearing a stark contrast to the seemingly boundless countryside
and gentle, friendly village within the stony embrace
A soft wind blew against the young man's face as he brushed the hair out of his face and tried to slowly continue on his journey
He tripped often on the rough path
and his hands were dirty and sore and his knees scraped and bruised
but he had heard that Peace lay ahead
so he struggled
He knew not the beauty to be beheld along the way
for those possessing sight
nor of the kind joy that might be had if he could be released
of the fear that he was lost
for doubt shrouded him moment by moment
as he took each next step
He longed for a hand to hold
and a voice to guide him
that he might know
all that was now hidden behind the veil
of his black despair
Will the secrets stay concealed forever
that speak sight and light and love to the soul
of this blind generation
or will we take the hand of each that searches
and lead them . . . . . well, you know the place
but also,
that you must first come to know the way
to see that which your mind cannot fathom
to know all fears and doubts to be consumed by Peace
that impassions, yet remains uncompromised still
What makes a quest unworthy of its goal?
What causes a seeker to miss that which he searches for?
Man "searches" for truth
Man "searches" for love
but does he really?
If man searches for food
but refuses to eat
will he be satisfied?
If man tries to save a life
but will not sacrifice his own
will he find himself adequate to help?
What will be his fate?
Is he safe?
The man walked along the side
of a drab, gravel country road
and picked a small yellow flower
He delighted in its beauty for a moment
then looked up to the sky with hope in his eyes
he searched the sky for a cloud
squinting against the blue expanse
until his eyes and face were rather sore
He picked a handful of wheat from a field nearby
then this time listened, but to no avail
Where was the rain? Where was the thunder?
Why didn't God care?
The man lay down on the ground
then after waiting this short while
got up and began his journey again
thoroughly believing that he was on his own
without friend or helper
hope or provider
Time passed slowly
but he walked on
he sang a little
and laughed at a few jokes he could remember
from his former days
he knew times would be different now
and his life a struggle
He remembered his days of youth
and wondered at the confidence he once felt
How do the days pass and yet, the heart is stayed
in turmoil ever the same?
How is wisdom and peace to be bought?
He had reached a small town now
and entered the first store looking for something
of use in his quest but finding nothing
subsequently entered and left each business
in the small bustling center
until he truly knew that his search was useless here
He found his road again
returning with less enthusiasm than before
and with a weary heart and an empty stomach
took step after step back the way he had come
He took no notice of the birds in the willow trees
singing their evening songs
or of the sun rays quietly softening in shades
of pink and orange as another day ended
Not even the horses grazing near the fence
where he walked interested him enough
to merit a glance their way as they neighed
at this mellow stranger
Suddenly, the man stopped, turning east,
and faced the horizon
as the reflecting sunset colors spread and faded
and the light grew dim
he stood and stared, waiting…
until the air was cool and the night fully upon the land
He hopped over the white, wooden fence
and without reason besides his own
began to run through the darkness across the grassy field
He could see nothing, but the stars above
as he ran faster and faster
the cool wind refreshing his face
Had he found what he sought?
Could it be?
Was it true this time - what he now believed?
Without warning and in the skip of a heartbeat
he felt his feet catch on something and his body slam flat
on the ground
Why do these secrets evade those who test and try
with all their strength to search?
Why is man so lost?
Coward or conqueror
the heart will choose
and the soul will yield
as it must
Truth is conveyed
and then concealed
Lies are spoken
yet, refuted when tested
Courage is given to the weak and weary
as the strong succumb to the fury of true Justice
Violent men fail
vileness collapses
mercy is offered
but man's mind balks at that which
would convict and redeem
He knows not the worth of what he refuses
He knows not the bitterness of happiness
when compared with
true Contentment within Righteousness
Freedom ransomed and discovered
All hopes of the naive past forgotten
as the memories of futile friendships wane
I have not given up
I will not give up
I would rather my body and heart die than my soul
Compromise eases its captives into destruction through "peace"
but it has no power to take hold of me
The betrayers uncloaked
the foes conquered
the battles won
the land concedes
the peoples yield
What is this tale?
Justice revealed
Read it?

The dreams remain forgotten
but the heart knows its goal
The mind struggles in agony
over thoughts that are not clear
The stories stay untold
but the sign reveals the cost of their betrayal
What is it?
Is it a life?
The hours still go on without delay
and the tears without remittance
Does time stand still
and await your destiny?
Does the heart remain soft
that knows excuses for hatred?
Can the hurts be undone
and the uncloaked be now cloaked?
The questions lay unanswered
Where are you, my bro?
Come to the fountain and drink
be made whole
for the fools arise across the land
and their mark is legendary
cursing the value of life, itself
but unto you is reserved
a place in time
a mark of your own
a Hero to wear
to discover
to be

Come with me . . .

Do not run with the crowd of overachievers
Their path ends in disillusionment
Their way is of the mind
and they progress only in the eyes
of others like themselves
but there is a pure path
a Holy Highway
where the wise will walk
and not stumble
Pray for those who choose
to sell their own wares
Pray for their utter Salvation from themselves
but do not be tempted to ease their pain
For in the road they travel
if they do not encounter pain and dysfunction
they will never look for the Right Road
Stand by them with prayer
but loose your heart not to them
Hold fast only to the Hero who truly saves
and unto this day
will you know
who you were meant to be
The small swallow flew from tree to tree
quite unsure
as beneath him a chipmunk chattered away the daily gossip
during an energetic search for food
while within ear-shot of the noisy cheerfulness
was a frightened deer
munching on tender leaves of a Spring shrub
quietly watching a hyper little frog hopping
from stone to stone in a mossy puddle
until it reached a log where a badger rested
until the owls began to signal the darkening sky
and nighttime peace
from their perches high on the old-growth pines
below the eagles daytime flights and sharp, gathering gaze
of the earth far down where the lions roam
fierce, yet calm and fearless are their eyes
as they stalk the enemy but protectively guard their own
with passion you will one day know
The horse galloped across the open field
ready for an extraordinary adventure
away from the stagnant farm
and excruciatingly tedious wagon-loads
No saddle cloaked this exuberant creature's back
for no one and nothing was to be carried
on this flight to freedom
The sound of hoofs pounding the dirt
matched the rhythm of the steady heartbeat within
as determined eyes view the distance ahead with piercing passion
and all that was behind faded from memory in silence
Loneliness was out of the question
hope was gathering close like a storm in the west
peace was no longer a shadow untouchable and fleeting
Justice was the untamable reality

Join us, will you?
Psalm 127
the fog crept slowly through the city streets
and the shadows became one
as the evening regretfully dimmed into night
and the moon and stars hid behind the silent haze
"Where are you?"
the boy cried into the confusion and darkness
but he heard no response
no echo
he saw no light or hope
the air was cold
so cold and thick
so different
from the past hours of sunlight spent

Where are you, young man of true grit?
Should we look for you
or will you simply appear?
We know your agenda
We know the course
but where are you, young spirit-man
and how will you come to know
the Journey of your soul
brought to you
by Another?

"Is that a light I see?"
"Is that the source or a reflection?"
"Does it matter?"
the questions pierced the damp air
as a strange feeling settled in my heart

"Follow me!"
the boy shouted uncertainly into the night
as he pressed forward
ignoring the fears
that prodded his senses

the lights grew brighter
but the fog no thinner
"Is that hope I see?"
"Is there a safe place to rest?"

Where is true rest found?
Is there a place of safety on this earthly realm
or must we travel "abroad" to find the Source of rest and safety?
You draw close, but still don't quite know how to "drink"
and be filled
but soon,  you will know
and in this place
within the Source
there is no fog
or fear
or unrest
There is only and purely

"Where are you?"

The waves crash on the shore
as the times change
and the memories fade

My heart is alone
yet I know solace
I feel rest within
I know love will come again

The hours pass
and I comprehend the depth of my frailty
Oh, that I would know all that questions me
that I would see the hope I feel

For this is not the way the earth was formed
this is not the way I was formed
I feel the wind against my face
as it dries my tears and erases my doubts
I want to know Truth as it is
not as I choose to believe


The earth shakes and trembles
as beneath its surface
changes take place
though man does not see
he feels
the affects of this change

You feel what happens in the spiritual realm
yet do not see or fully know why
these changes are occurring :
ask to see

The choice was made
the deal was struck
the hours drew long
but the time was up

Will the words written come true for this man :

The hero lies down
his life is such a waste
where is that Passion he found
that his heart once had a taste
of Justice without bounds
of Freedom without hate
the hope didn't make a sound
and he knew he must be brave
but the hero laid down
and became such a waste
the Voice he had heard aloud
now seemed so faint
as he looked around
distracted by all that came
how had he ever found
the One who made him brave?
The Passion writhed though these veins
as Justice was paid
the price was my life
to erase all these stains
The Freedom shouted out
and I had to cave
so I opened my mouth
as the Hero within yelled in pain
To save the innocent
no lies can remain
the Truth must be spoken
that no cowardice should taint
The laughter removed from me
I knew the loser could not stay
the heart beat aloud
and I knew I must go away
to find what I lost
to lose so that I might gain
at any cost
that HERO I tried so hard to evade
no time to be stupid
their lives must be saved
before the children are gone
I must go be brave."

or will another rise to take his place?
Can someone take his place
or was he "irreplaceable"
and the only one chosen for the job?

The lonely swan swam the length of the lake
for something in the distance
and yet, this swan, this lonely swan
knew in his heart
that what he was looking for was very close
not in some distant scene
But, the swan dutifully swam to the beat of it's heart
back and forth until it grew tired and hungry
"I will stay right here in the middle of this lake
and wait for my answer to come to me"
and yet, another day passed and once more,
another day
The rising of the sun excited the young swan
for he anticipated great findings each day
but to no avail
There was no answer which came his way
There was no special delivery of his promise
All there was
was one lonely swan
waiting . . .

young man, to find
and be found
by that, for which,
your heart was made

You simply need help
This is not a work that you can accomplish alone
for by Truth, you're only human
and in need
of the One who created your heart
and your deepest longings
to fill the need


Salmo 11

Time your steps
Watch the signs
Side with the conquerors
Stand with True Justice
Life ends for the wicked
Hope fails the proud
Dreams quicken the brave
Cowards find no safe place
Read the story of the battle
Time will bring it forth to the masses
Understand the riddle
Find the source

The news is for you, my friend
for you have a "mission" so fine and so true
Will it happen soon?
It begins now . . .

The horse walked a short distance away
and paused to take a drink
of the cool water that flowed over the stones
in the shallow creek bed
on the edge of his dry pasture
The horse drank longer than usual this time
for he had taken quite a few more steps
than he was accustomed to having to take
to reach water for his morning feeding
and the sun was shining down on the earth
making everything hot and dry
The horse looked back down the stream
to where the other horses stood drinking
and felt lonely for their company for a moment
before he remembered why he stood here and not there
He made a sound of disgust and looked away from the herd
There had been a dead bird, just within sight, beneath the clear water on the opposite side of the small stream
He had to drink of the pure water, there was no question
but how could he warn the others
and would they listen?

When you hear the full story of the bird that fell
will you be able to warn the others?
Will they listen?