DAY 15 -- 09/21/09

“Now, I think your friends have slept long enough.”
-”The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian”

“If you are of such a character that you want the best for your country, the time to hesitate is past.  It is time to count the cost and decide what needs to be done to enable you to be the most effective person in the renewal of the moral and spiritual life of the nation.  The one who takes this attitude is the true patriot.

It is not only necessary that people of influence and authority set an example in this area, as important as that may be, but they also need to encourage others to do the same.  They should get involved in any efforts that are launched to promote the progress of moral and spiritual renewal.  Above all these efforts, there must be a focused effort to teach these values to the next generation.  Our children are going to have to deal with the outcome of our neglect of these critical values.  They will be under siege by the ideas and examples of those who have no place in their lives for true faith.

It feels as if we live in a world in which a brood of moral vipers has been hatched that are waiting to unleash themselves on the world.  Let me make myself clear: all attempts to restore or protect the values or morals that have made this nation great will be in vain without the restoration of a vital evangelical Christianity.  Without this firm foundation it will be impossible to elevate the state of values in the future.  Valiant and perhaps momentarily efforts will eventually fail, and society will sink back to the levels of morality that previously existed.  This is why it is so essential that we exercise all our efforts to revive the vital faith our forefathers possessed.

Jesus has a message for you.  It is found in the book of Revelation:  ‘Wake up!  Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds to be complete in the sight of my God.‘ (Rev. 3:2)

Still, the great concern I have is for the alarming rate that unbelief and evil are growing right here at home.  Something must be done to combat this growing trend.  If change is to come, it must start with true Christians living out their faith.  It is imperative that men and women of authentic faith live out their relationship with Christ in such a way that the Church in our country again regains the respect of the culture and the allegiance of its membership.  It is going to take passion to change things, and only those who truly believe are capable of having it.  True believers are going to have to go the distance.

You must strive with all you have and with true sincerity to make a difference in this country.  By your life and words you must put to silence the voices of ignorant critics of the faith.  Be bold to proclaim the Name of Christ in this time and when many who call themselves Christian are ashamed to speak the Name.  You may have a greater impact on this nation than that of any politician if you make it your goal to help restore the influence of Christian faith and raise the standard of our nation’s morality.

We live in difficult times.  Pray for this nation.  We have all the marks of a declining civilization.  Pray that the God who hears and answers the prayers of His people might intervene on behalf of our country and bring a spiritual renewal that might save the nation.  People of unbelief might think you are kidding yourself to think that prayer can make a difference.  They might think you are like some superstitious pagan who depends on God because you are weak.  They might compare you to those who really are a bit out of touch.  The fact is that God cares for the nations in which His servants live and serve Him.  He favors and blesses the land of the righteous (see Proverbs 3:33). 

I find it necessary to affirm that the problems we face nationally and internationally are a direct result of the decline of faith and morality in our nation.  My only hope of a prosperous future for this country rests not only on the size and firepower of our military, nor on the wisdom of its leaders, nor on the spirit of her people, but only on the love and obedience of the people who name themselves after Christ, that their prayers might be heard and for the sake of these, God might look upon us with favor.”
-'Real Christianity' by William Wilberforce

“Who will answer this Call?  Who will have the courage to make right what has been wrong?  Who will stand and declare that this country was destined for greatness, but only through its faith and allegiance to the One True God?  The first Call I make to your heart is for cleansing unto Salvation.  Once I make this mark upon you, I can equip you to do My perfect work.  I’m calling . . . Who will come?  Your decision not only determines your brief stay upon this earth, but eternity.  Will you come?”


                                                THE PLAIN TRUTH >

“under god”