DAY 49 -- 10/25/09
There will be false revivals which will lead many astray in these times. Test! Test! Test! So many subject themselves to the local pastor or even traveling evangelist believing that these people are ordained and commissioned by God. That is not always the case. Many pastors sit in mock authority over a congregation which chooses to believe false doctrine. These are surely the times to ask for discernment from God as to the teaching which you place yourself under.
And as the apostate messengers fill the people with false hope and a false gospel, there will also be signs in the physical of the untruths spoken and people freely taking part. Be wise. Learn to hear the Voice of God so that you may know Truth from error. Study the Scriptures with the Holy Spirit as your Guide and ask to be shown any and all things in your life which deceives or taints and keeps you from a firm and wholehearted allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Hell is a terrifying thing . . . . . Don’t be caught unaware by following man.
“Once again, I declare, ‘LET MY PEOPLE GO!’ You may not understand My grievances with the local churches, but you must now open your eyes to see as I see. Stop drinking the ‘Kool-Aid’ for it will always lead to death.’”