DAY 6 -- 09/12/09
And how do I not say what I know? How do I not reveal what the Lord has spoken to me? How do I avoid my task, at hand, I believe, is what I am asking? And yet, I am summoned by God to perform this task and all that I fail to do is brought back upon my head. So, I will begin . . .
And in the coming days, there will be a great tainting of the food supply. How this will occur, I do not know, but I do know the symbolism which brings it forth and the Heart of the Father which allows such to demonstrate what we have allowed to poison the people of the land, by the “food” which they eat. Instead of “eating” of Truth which nourishes and builds strength and enables perseverance, the United States “feeds” off of falsehoods, lies and every form of evil bringing forth a society which cannot long survive.
“Is there any doubt that the handwriting is on the wall for where we are heading? If we look around, we will see the outcome of these trends in countries that are ahead of us in reaching the logical conclusions of such cultural drift. We see in such cases that manners have been corrupted, morality has sunk into depravity, indulgence is out of control and above all, faith has been discredited and unbelief has become fashionable. When a culture reaches this point, it becomes so out of touch with truth that masses of people deny outright the existence of God. God’s will for the nation has been abandoned and man has been made God.”
-'Real Christianity' by William Wilberforce
READ the entirety of:
“ When A Nation Forgets God “
by Erwin W. Lutzer
Is this a fearful scenario? No doubt, for how will anyone know safety if the food supply can / will be tainted? And yet, look at your spiritual lives and tell me, why do you feel so safe when most of what is driven into and out through the American churches is based on lies? You can play the game for only so long, for when it is Judgment Day, the Truth will be known and it will be too late to blame others. Get into the Word of God. Ask God to reveal to you His Perfect Truth. You are responsible, for every American has access to a Bible.
The entertainment industry prospers on the tainting of your minds and you continue to pay to “feed” yourselves what you believe will satisfy. This kind of “food” simply creates a greater appetite for all that will destroy you in the end, and yet, the masses flock to be “fed tainted food.” Your souls die daily and you have no apparent soulish cause to stop. However, when it becomes your body which languishes from actual “tainted food” you take notice and you will actually stop the intake of the food. May you grow to discern quickly all that taints your soul, your heart, your mind, your spirit in a way that you call upon God to deliver you from such poison.
Worse still is the prosperous American churches which preach filth, perversion and solidly drive the people attending on a fast track to hell, itself.
Face it. We are Americans and we need concrete examples, specific occurrences to warn us of our fallen state. God will provide all that.
”And MORE, for you see, the sickness which you acquire from eating that which you believe to be good, will cause you to examine all your intake whether it leads to life or leads to death. You are, indeed, a stubborn race, but one which is redeemable. I seek to strip you of your man-made cravings which are in opposition to My Ways and My Laws of Love. You can learn. You can seek Truth. You can become as I am by transformation through the Blood of My Son and the work of the Holy Spirit --------- but first you must hunger. You must hunger for Me. You must hunger for Righteousness. You must hunger for wholeness. You must hunger for ‘food’ which is pure and beneficial to you. I will cause you to hunger through the destruction which passes your way. And when you begin to truly hunger, you will finally be ready for real ‘food’ and real Christianity.”