They speak the lingo

They read books that speak the lingo

They appear to be sincere, genuine, promising...

and yet, they still refuse Truth concerning their own sins
and those they promote

A Pastor of a large church offers this entry to our souls:

And yet, he promotes, advertises, agrees with those

It's time to choose whether these men are sheep
following the Good Shepherd

by all that they speak, write, read, promote, live

or are they goats leading millions to HELL

You must get on your knees before God and ask Him to allow you
to have perfect discernment in these last days,
because so very soon it will be too late to decide

You may think that you are NOT going to HELL because you attend church and follow the Pastor, but think again. Many of the Pastors in the United States who rise to the pulpit every week are going to HELL and leading their people to HELL.

Crazy? Ask God and He will confirm this Truth.

“If you are willing to listen to this warning and not settle for a cultural Christianity but desire to know and possess authentic faith, it is time for you to step away from the crowd. God is at work in your life. Get away to a place where no one is around and get down on your knees and pray. Ask God to take away your spiritual indifference and insensitivity and enable you to draw close to Him. Ask Him to take away the false thinking that has blinded you and enable you to see and know the truth."

-William Wilberforce

And do PRAY for your Pastors that the FIRE OF GOD would come and bare their soul, expose their sins and cause them to REPENT publicly of all their atrocities against GOD and His people.