DAY 1:
‘Come to Me,’ I say to the people
but they look at their earnings
and turn the other way
‘Come to Me,’ I bid them
but they are comfortable and full
and to relax is more their due
they believe
‘Come to Me,’ I harken
almost beg
but their plate is full
and they see their future of plenty
But what if today was DAY 1
of the end of the prosperity?
What if . . .
they were about to lose everything
and doom would settle onto their souls
and rob them of all comfort and peace?
What if . . .
there were only 10 days left to warn?
What would I say to make the people listen?
What could I say to make you really hear?
Riddle Part 1: I Samuel 10
DAY 2:
A beggar alights in the street
his clothes are torn and filthy
He puts his hands out to suck up the money
of the people passing by
but there is nothing to be gained this day
He had his chance
He was given Truth
He was told what was the road to God
but he chose his own route, his fabricated plan
and now he begs from God and man
and there is no surplus to be had
What if . . .
he was given another chance
knowing what his outcome would be this day?
What if . . .
he was given one more chance
to come to God and meet Him and surrender all?
Would he do it?
Would he allow God to be Lord and Master
knowing that to walk away from Truth
would produce such misery and poverty?
Will you?
Riddle Part 2: I John 3
DAY 3:
A long, slender reed is broken by the wind
The wind passes by every window bidding the people to look, observe, fear
for in the coming days the disasters will come
and there will be little left that the winds, the floods, the fires
Will there be restoration in the days to come
after the disasters strike the land
and steal the money from the rich and the poor?
Will there be a new day of rebuilding and planning
and hoping and praying for advancement rather than the gathering of scraps?
There is a day coming of restoration if there will be a Righteous clan
who come alongside Me to rebuild
for I have plans for which man could never imagine
but they are only given to those who will abide in Me
Compromise has driven this country to its death
Compromise and failure to believe that I will judge that which destroys My people
The church of the United States has brought forth a false gospel
which has turned the country away from My Face
and toward the local pastor,
his charisma, his celebrity status, his compromising ways
But no more, I will now stand as Judge
and bring Justice, a spring of Righteousness and GREAT HOPE
to the outcasts who have followed Me through the Cross
Riddle Part 3: Philippians 4
DAY 4:
Judgment is delayed yet another day
The Righteous cry out for Justice, Peace, Provision
but evil runs rampant across the land
and that which is sacred is profaned
Will Judgment come in time to save the land and the people?
Will there be a day of Justice when the false christs are revealed,
What would cause the people to stop following
those who promise the goods, but deliver the believer unto Hell, itself?
Who will be wise in these last days and come away from lies?
Who will seek My Face and turn from sin to find redemption?
Who will run from all that destroys the soul into My Arms of safety?
Who will be Mine in the end?
Riddle Part 4: Matthew 6
DAY 5:
There will come a time when comfort and peace
will be no more in these United States
What would cause both the rich and the poor
to fail to find a place of comfort, an abode of peace?
Rich man, poor man . . . they will all have the same fate
in the days to come for there will simply be no escape
from the terror
Money will not buy anything when the disasters rest
on this country
It would be good if the rich man could still profit
so that he could help his fellow man
but that will not be the case
Disease, chemical warfare, exploding bombs
will be the fare and there will be no place to run
Why am I telling you all this when it has been written before?
Why do I continue to warn when no one has heeded?
Why is there grace if mankind does not choose to change
but remains hell-bound in his arrogance and neglect?
I warn, because that reflects who I AM
I warn, because I want to give you every opportunity
to know Me, to know Truth, to know My Love, to be safe
but you always have the choice
I will put My Signature on these warnings so very soon
and there will be no going back to take advantage
of My grace
Think about it once more . . .
but I tell you the Truth today
no one who has not heeded before will heed at this time
No one . . .
and so the story will end and the horror will reach
your doorstep in time and you will know that I reached out
to help, but you refused to Come to Me . . .
It will be as if you live in a mine trap where every step
you take will bring new terror, more fear, unresolved panic
and there will be no one who can help you
But know this day, that your course, your future
was entirely your choice and most definitely outright rebellion
to My Ways, My Love, My Offer of Eternal Life
Peace will not come
Safety will be no more
The beggar and the rich man will hide in the same hole
and you would have created Hell from the gifts which I bestowed
so lovingly on you
Riddle Part 5: Revelation 20
DAY 6:
And what will be the fate of the children
The innocent, unprotected, vulnerable children
who have borne your sins and judgment these many years?
Many don’t even make it out of the womb
and even some of those are exterminated
You’ve had a choice to protect that which is born of you
That which you create in your moments of pleasure
but you stand far off and demand that you have rights
to neglect, abort, murder, destroy
and you still expect a better outcome for yourselves?
Justice comes and it does not bring peace
and good tidings for most
The child in the womb lives out its days in hope
until darkness and pain bring all the hope to an end
A full one third of lives conceived are destroyed
in these United States and you can expect no less
of My Judgment to come
Are you innocent?
Have you prayed for the innocent?
Are you of means?
Have you stood to protect the innocent?
When do the innocent impact your lives in such a way
that you sacrifice what you have to save lives?
Remember the lives which never lived out even one day
outside the womb
Remember the hope which is born within each soul
to be loved
Remember that you did nothing to protect the innocent
-- - and now, WATCH outside your window
at the holocaust to come against the survivors
and believe in JUSTICE once more
Riddle Part 6: Malachi 3
DAY 7:
The pretenders come and the pretenders go
believing that they make a positive mark on this bleak world
but the Truth is that they prevent more people from entering
the Kingdom of God
They sell their wares and beg for money
They speak the catchy phrases and line up to shake your hand
They hug and kiss your baby while speaking against you
when you’re not present
Who are these people?
Who are the pretenders?
They hold a Bible close to their chest
and know the latest popular verse
They sing praises loudly and with passion
They pretend to bless and help
but their hearts are not pure, are not Mine, are not true
The problem is that it is difficult to tell the real from the pretenders
until you have been destroyed by the false message
I will come in time to separate the wheat from the chaff
but for this day and in this time, there is truly a mixture
and you will have to come to Me for discernment
Woe to the pretenders for in that day that I bring Judgment
you will surely pay double for your sins
and eternity for your atrocities against My own
Riddle Part 7: Matthew 16
DAY 8:
Who will fight the battle for your soul?
Will a mother, sister, brother, friend, pastor, saint?
Who is fighting in your corner to turn the tide
and cause you to embrace the Truth?
Who will stand when the forces of evil drown out your voice
to the Heavens?
Who is available with sword raised to hold back that which
seeks to destroy you?
Will there be a day of Victory as you cower in your corner?
Can the Victory come if you will not seek out the Face of God?
“Bring down the ladder,” the spokesman said.
“You cannot reach God that way.”
“Well then, how?”
on bended knee
Riddle Part 8: Isaiah 10
DAY 9:
You shout out for peace, but peace will not come
You shout out and beg for hope, for comfort, for security
but there will be none
Armies will form in the streets
They will take from you all that you hope to guard
They will steal your money and your livelihood
They will bring you to the ground and make you plead
for your life
and for this, you will be counted as one of the lucky ones
Fires will erupt in the cities
Entire cities will be taken over and engulfed in flames
Bullets will fly through the air and even the innocent
will fall dead, broken and be removed
What will be your plan?
Who will be your ally?
Who will you find that is still able to help?
Many who you have run to for help will be no more
and there will be bars on the churches
Riddle Part 9: Psalm 11
DAY 10:
A child weeps in the night
for he has no one left
A child weeps in the day
for there is no food
A child huddles in the barren corner
but there is no comfort
The children pay the price for your evil
They pay the price every day for your compromise
your swollen egos, your passionate desires, your hatred of Truth
They pay with broken hearts, lost hope, tearful eyes
and still your heart does not rend
So be it!
You think that you have won, because you have all that you want
You believe yourself to be the victor, because you shut down the Truth speaker
You look around at all your possessions, your galley of friends, your rich life
and know that no one will keep you accountable
but that isn’t the Truth, is it?
This is:
Riddle Part 10: Mark 11