Most all of you live in prisons of your own making
There are prisons to keep evil in and protect mankind
There are prisons which contain people not able to fight
for their own rights
There are prisons which hold people captive because
the mind is distracted, distorted, undermined
by wrong motives
School, to many children seems to be a type of prison
Home can be a prison to a young wife
whose husband takes his anger out frequently upon her
When does church and its rules become a prison?
Yes, there are cults and you’ve heard of their abuses
But look at the American church and their rules, decrees,
and promised blessings for good behavior
Is that a prison?
Most would say, “No”
Many look to church to create better behavior,
more cloned-like, happy people,
but look once more and look carefully . . .
A small boy sits in the corner
He has been punished and so he must sit alone
without playmates, without toys, without any means
of mischief
Is he becoming a better person because
all his manner of trouble-making is removed?
Has he changed or is he simply “contained”?
Are you beginning to see the picture now?
Open your eyes, people and look about you
The church teaches good, kind behavior
They expect people to act as such to fit into their mold
But tell me, return them to the real world
Monday through Saturday and do they not
cheat, lie, steal, fornicate, profane My Name, etc.?
Are they not the same as all others
when their “containment”--
the church is removed from them?
Is this why Jesus the Christ spoke
that you must be born again?
There must be a full transformation
so that you don’t become a better person;
you become an entirely new person
with a right heart and a right spirit
The church confines, disciplines, clones, produces
hypocrites . . .
but where are the transformed ones,
the NEW BREED ---
the ones filled fully with My Holy Spirit?
Where are they?
You won’t typically find them in most churches,
for they won’t be confined with the religious
They would / could never fit in, believe Me!
So, where do we go from here?
Do you prefer confinement, the prison of cloned behavior;
the appearance of good when evil truly rules beneath:
the denial of Scripture;
the hopelessness and deformity of apostasy?
Run from these places, My friends
Run and don’t look back
unless you choose to stand and speak Truth
to release these people from their chosen prison bars
You have a choice
for I tell you the Truth
An army will now march against the churches
and there will be few who survive the persecution to come
Have you become a better person
by reading “Christian” books?
Have you become better by memorizing Scripture?
OR have you become become born-again
and now realize that all that you have to present to Me
is as filthy rags?
You must have / contain My Righteousness to please Me
You must bear My Mark of the Cross to be Mine
You must ask for true Freedom, from not only evil,
but the appearance of good which masquerades
as Righteousness and is often called,
“Christian” in this day
Look around you . . .
Are you free?
Are you Righteous?
Are you Mine?
Are you safe?
“Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.’”
John 3:3
The reason that you do not hunger for Me or for My Word;
the reason you return to sin so easily;
the reason you cannot hear Me speak to you;
may just be that you have not been
only “contained”
BREAK FREE --- I’ll show you how to truly change . . .